Saturday, October 10, 2015

Simple Tips For Quick-Charging Your Smart phone

Plugging into your computer may be the slowest way to charge your smartphone battery.

When your smartphone battery power runs low, it’s time to plug it into your laptop for a recharge, right? Not so fast … literally. Pulling power from your laptop’s battery or through the machine’s power cord will charge up your smartphone, camera, music player or USB-connected small device, but it will take a while.
If you need a tanked-up smartphone battery in a hurry, these tips will help you recharge faster:

1. Plug in the power cord

A typical USB 2.0 port delivers up to 500 milliamps of power.
If your smartphone came with a cord or plug for recharging from a standard AC wall outlet, reach for it first. It’s a case of simple math: A typical USB 2.0 port delivers up to 500 milliamps of power. The AC wall plug delivers almost twice that, at 900mA to 1,000mA. If you happen to be lucky enough to have a plug outlet that is already wired for USB, you could be looking at speeds of up to 2,100mA.

2. Opt for a USB 3.0 port

Already known for faster data transmission, a USB 3.0 port also supplies energy at a more-powerful pace — 900mA — rivaling standard AC wall chargers.

3. Skip the USB hub

Charging through a hub slows down the process by up to 50 percent — especially if the hub lacks its own AC power connection. Instead, use a dedicated USB port to charge your smartphone.

4. Charge through a bigger machine

An AC-wired USB port can deliver power at up to twice the speed of a conventional charger and four times the speed of a laptop's USB 2.0 port.
Older, larger laptops have bigger batteries, and desktops use more power than Ultrabooks, so you’ll get a faster charge if you can use a USB port on one of these old-school titans.

5. Go to the wall with a high-powered charger

These AC plug-in devices have USB ports and are capable of 1,000 mA to 2,500 mA, meaning your smartphone could be fully charged within an hour. Most high-powered wall chargers cost between $10 and $20.

6. Use a docking station

A docking station isn’t  quite as fast as a wall AC charger, but about 1 1/2 times quicker than plugging your smartphone directly into a laptop USB 2.0 port.

7. Rev up with a car charger

Relatively inexpensive, high-powered USB chargers are capable of 1,000 mA to 2,500 mA and can charge a smartphone battery within an hour.
Your smartphone battery will charge up to twice as fast if you use a charging cord while the car is running.

8. Power down when powering up

No power being used means your smartphone will spend less time on a charging cord.

9. Top off your smartphone battery … often

If your smartphone requires less of a recharge, it’ll charge up faster.

5 tips to charge your smartphone battery faster

High end smartphones these days are coming with Snapdragon 8xx processors and other advanced technologies that allows for a rapid charging of the handset. This can be really useful for users who have lost all the juice on their smartphone and are charging on the go from a public outlet for a limited period of time. Some new devices are capable of charging up to 60% in a minuscule time period of 15 minutes or so. This certainly is a ground breaking technology and also a life saver for many smartphone users who have heavy usage pattern. However, those who are already on a year old device are not so fortunate and are often left hanging in the middle as battery runs put and 10-15 minutes of charging gives them a measly 3-5 % of battery. Here are 5 simple tips for such users, which will help them to charge the handset quicker then usual.

Do not use the phone while charging

One of the most basic tip to follow while charging your smartphone to get extra boost is to leave the smartphone untouched for the duration of charging. Using the smartphone during the short period of charging might not allow the battery to charge at all. In case you are not in a non excusable rush to send an email or make a phone call, we would suggest that you plug your smartphone in and let it sit for a while. The main reason behind this tip is that the display of your smartphone is the main battery hogger. Besides, performing battery hungry tasks on the device while it is charging slows down the charging process.

Preferably switch off the handset

In case you are not anticipating any important phone call or an email, it is always suggested to switch off your smartphone completely when you are charging it for a short duration. Shutting down the device will ensure that your smartphone charges faster then it normally does. This is because all the processes in your smartphone has been killed when you switched it off and the only thing that is going is the charging process. So in case you can afford to turn your handset off while charging, it is recommended to do so.

Or activate the Airplane mode
The basic idea behind switching off the handset while charging is to kill all applications and tasks running in the background. This also includes all wireless and radio connection of the handset to prevent any interruption in charging process. The same result can also be achieved by activating the airplane mode in your handset, which will shut down all the wireless and radio connections in your smartphone and help gain a slight boost in charging duration.

Turn off all the unnecessary features while charging

In case it is not at all possible for you to turn off or activate airplane mode, which is understandable in case you are doing something important or expecting an important call. In such cases it is advisable to turn off all the unnecessary features of the handset. It will probably help to toggle off features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC and data connection. Also, you can consider turning off the location services like Maps and others. Moreover, if you have any ongoing backup or downloads running in the background, we would suggest pausing them until later. These are small but quite efficient tips to help charge the smartphone tad bit faster when you are in a rush.

Use the right charger for your handset

The last but the most efficient way to charge your smartphone faster is to use the correct charger for your smartphone. Every smartphone comes with a certain limit of maximum current that it can draw to charge and if the current input and maximum limit matches, the device will charge faster. To illustrate, a smartphone may require 4 amp of current to charge properly and a charger drawing 2 amp of current will take longer to charge the device than the one that can draw 4 amp. This is the reason why most handset manufacturer suggest to use only the charger that is provided with the handset. In case you are in a rush, avoid charging through the USB data cable or wireless charging.

These are few steps that can help you get more battery while charging your smartphone in hurry. However, please note that apart from the new age handsets no other device can charge up to even 50% in a matter of minutes and we would suggest you to be conservative in your usage when you find yourself in such a fix. It is also wise decision to invest in a good quality powerbank to save yourself from the hassles.

100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier

Want to learn some quick and easy life hacks that are easy to do, low cost and saves you time? You’re in luck. We have collected 100 of these practical life hacks into this one big list that is easy to digest because they’re all images! By tweaking little things, it can make your life much easier. Enjoy!

83 tie a small piece of bright colored fabric

84 write random letter

85 use a rubberband

86 dorm smell bad

87 lean your phone on your sunglassess

89 how to waterproof your shoes

90 take a picture of the name card

91 iron inside out

92 old newspaper

93 tumble try shoes

keep a card like this

94 soap bar

95 make a hole

96 drop the battery

97 use a coozie

98 when taking a picture

use a clean dust pan

try a pants hanger

use your cellphone light

use a spring from an old pen

quick and easy iphone speaker

user binder clips

wrap a wet paper towel around your beverage

put pancake mix in a ketchup bottle

clean out an old lotion bottle for your beach

use a muffin tin to serve condiments at a bbq

doritos are great for kindling

use nail polish to identify different keys

use a hanging shoe rack to store cleaning supplies

freeze grapes to chill white wine without

use paper clips to organize your cables

almost finished your jar of nutella

sick of having a box full of tangled

unroll the rim to increase the capacity

cut open toilet paper rolls and use as a cuff

remove the stem from strawberries

turn an old bottle into a simple little cord holder

for iced coffee and iced cappuccino, use frozen coffee cubes

how to fold a fitted bed sheet

tired of snoozing past your alarm

place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on

ut a wooden spoon across a boiling pot