Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Top 100 Best Action Movies Ever Made

Greatest Action Films of All Time

When the genre Action Movies comes in mind then most of the fans think of Hand to Hand combat battles of a single hero with dozen of goons. It was true too in the Bruce Lee era but with the change of time, the Action genre too developed and branched out. Rather than just putting heroes in to a hand to hand combat with multiple goons, the heroes were forced into life threatening situation where they have to save their love, family or on several occasions the entire world. Such action movies are always considered inspiring where the victory of the hero not only satisfy the audience but also gives a small boost to the confidence of the viewers. Probably this is the reason why from past 5 decades Action heroes are among the leading actors of Hollywood and Hollywood action movies are top grosser world-wide.

It is hard to track back the very first Action film but most of the fans consider Alfred Hitchcock’s 1959 film “North By Northwest” to be the first popular action film. Cary Grant did several daring scenes in the film. Then came the era of Bruce Lee, about whom it is famous that even film roll was slowed down so that viewers can see the movements of Bruce Lee whiling beating up mobsters. Though the star died at a very young age of 33 in the year 1973 but he inspired whole new generation of action heroes.

When we talk about classic action movies then it won’t be an exaggeration to say that 80s action movies are the best as compared to other decades. Harrison Ford, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis become the heart throb of audience after doing daring stunt scenes in action movies like Rambo, Die Hard and Terminator. Die Hard Inspired many action movies in coming decade and many 90s Action movies were revolved around the main hero caught into a die hard kind of situation.

The 00s gave way to the popular genre Superhero and action movies of 2001 to 2009 were full of thrilling action scenes. Several other genres like Sci Fi and Comedy were mashed up with action and the flavor become favorite of audience in the 00s decade. Over past 2 decades Action genre has branched out into several sub genres including Action Comedy, Action Horror, Action Thriller movies, Action Science Fiction, Buddy Cop, Heist and Action war. Recent action movies have too much violence in them and you can’t include them in the family action movies.

Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Nicolas Cage, Harrison Ford, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Steven Seagal, Wesley Snipes, Vin Diesel, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Jean Claude Vanne-Damme, Tom Cruise and Matt Damon are some of the finest Action heroes of all time.

Among actresses Uma Thurman, Mila Jovovick, Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie and Hilary Swank have done some of the finest Action roles in their career.
Here is the list of 100 greatest action movies. We tried to include almost all sub genres of action ranging from Martial arts to Car chases to gun fights to Superhero films. Check Out Best Action movies of all time:
100. The Italian Job
best action movies

99. Pearl harbor
best action movies
98. Equillibrium
best action movies
97. Red Series
best action movies
96. Thor Series
best action movies
95. Looper
best action movies
94. Hot Fuzz
best action movies
93. King Kong
best action movies
92. I Robot
best action movies
91. 21 Jump Street
best action movies
90. Rush Hour Trilogy
best action movies
89. Point Break
best action movies
88. Platoon
best action movies
87. The Day After Tomorrow
best action movies
86. The Last Samurai
best action movies
85. From Dusk Till Dawn Series
best action movies
84. Clash of the Titans,Wrath of the Titans
best action movies
83. Starship Troopers
best action movies
82. Serenity
best action movies
81. The Island
best action movies
80. Heat
best action movies
79. District 9
best action movies
78. Cloverfield
best action movies
77. Seven Samurai
best action movies
76. Wanted
best action movies
75. The Fugitive
best action movies
74. Scott Pilgrim Vs World
best action movies
73. Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon
best action movies
72. Con Air
best action movies
71. Watchmen
best action movies
70. The Last of the Mohicans
best action movies
69. Tron Series
best action movies
68. The Karate Kid
best action movies
67. Armageddon
best action movies
66. Total Recall
best action movies
65. Top Gun
best action movies
64. Minority Report
best action movies
63. V For Vendetta
best action movies
62. 2012
best action movies
61. Beverly Hills Cop Series
best action movies ever
60. Underworld Series
best action movies
59. Robocop Series
best action movies
58. Death Race Series
best action movies
57. Bad Boys Series
best action movies
56. Crank Series
best action movies
55. Hulk Series
best action movies
54. Desperado Series (El Mariachi,Desperado, Once upon a Time in Mexico)
best action movies
53. Men In Black Series
best action movies
52. The Mummy Series
best action movies
51. Blade Series
best action movies
50. The Expendables Series
best action movies
49. National Treasure Series
best action movies
48. The Fifth Element
best action movies
47. True Lies
best action movies
46. Braveheart
best action movies
45. Inception
best action movies
44. Avatar
best action movies
43. Saving Private Ryan
best action movies
42. Speed
best action movies
41. Face/Off
best action movies
40. North By Northwest
best action movies
39. Taken
best action movies
38. The Rock
best action movies
37. Gladiator
best action movies
36. Independence Day
best action movies
35. Apocalypto
best action movies
34. Kick Ass
best action movies
33. The Avengers
new action movies
32. 300
best action movies
31. Mad Max Series
best action movies
30. The Transporter Series
best action movies
29. Dirty Harry Series
best action movies
28. Lethal Weapon Series
best action movies
27. Rambo Series
best action movies
26. Predator Series
best action movies
25. Jurassic Park Series
best action movies
24. Planet of the Apes Series
best action movies
23. Star Trek Series
best action movies
22. Sherlock Holmes (Original, Game of Shadows)
best action movies
21. Resident Evil Series
best action movies
20. Transformers Series( Transformers,Revenge of Fallen, Dark of the Moon)
best action movies
19. Pirates of the Caribbean Series(Curse of Black Pearl,Dead Man’s Chest, At World’s End, Stranger on Tides)
best action movies
18. Alien Anthology
best action movies
17. Batman Trilogy (With Michael Keaton)
best action movies
16. Spiderman Series
best action movies
15. Superman Series
best action movies
14. Star Wars Saga (A New Hope,Empire Strikes Back,Return of Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of Clones, Revenge of Sith)
best action movies
13. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Fellowship of the Ring,Return of the King,The Two Towers)
best action movies
12. Ironman Trilogy
best action movies
11. Mission Impossible Series
best action movies
10. Fast and Furious Series
best action movies
9. X Men Series (X-men,X2,The Last Stand, Wolverine,First Class)
best action movies
8. The Bourne Series (The Bourne Identity,The Bourne Supermacy,The Bourne Ultimatum,The Bourne Legacy)
best action movies
7. Kill Bill: Volume 1 and 2
best action movies
6. The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins,The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises)
best action movies
5. Indiana Jones Series (Raiders of Lost Ark, The Lost Crusade, Temple of Doom, Kingdom of Crystal Skull)
best action movies
4. Die Hard Series (Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard With a Vengeance,Live free or Die Hard, A Good Day to Die Hard)
best action movies
3. Terminator Series (The Terminator, Terminator:Judgment Day,Terminator 3:Rise of Machines, Terminator Salvation)
best action movies
2. James Bond Series
best action movies
1. The Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded,The Matrix Revolutions)
best action movies

This was our list of greatest and most popular action movies. So which of the above action movie do you think is best and which film you think is a funny action movie? Who is your favorite action hero or action Director? Shout out loud in the comment box below.

Top 6 Vitamin-C Rich Foods

The fact that vitamin Cmust be an essential part of our diet, is common knowledge. It is one of those things that we all know about, like the importance of remaining hydrated and having plenty of water. But dig a little deeper than that and you may realize that we don’t really know why we need it, what are vitamin C rich foods and how much of it do we really need?

“There are many benefits of vitamin C. It is an essential nutrient because we lack the capacity to synthesize it. It protects our bones, helps in building our tissues and is an important factor in the absorption of iron. It is also a very potent antioxidant. You must make sure that your get your daily dose of vitamin C as it is a water soluble vitamin and not much of it is stored in the body,” says Dr Rupali Dutta, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Fortis-Escorts Hospital.


Benefits of Vitamin C

Also known as L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate, Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for human beings. Below are some of its many benefits:

1. Prevention of Scurvy: Though it is a rare disease now, at one point, Scurvy was a real threat and common amongst sailors who spent long periods of time at sea. When the fresh produce ran out, the sailors suffered Vitamin C deficiency which led to Scurvy.

2. Treatment of common cold: Known to boost immunity, this is the most well-known benefit of Vitamin C. Though it may not help prevent cold, it can reduce the severity of symptoms and shorten the duration of the same.

3. Antioxidant: In layman terms, an antioxidant helps keep harmful chemical reactions within our body in check. These reactions can do damage to our eyes and many other things. Antioxidants act as a neutralizer and help the body maintain status quo.

4. Absorption of Iron: Vitamin C aids the absorption of iron in the body. Thus, one should try to pair iron-rich foods with those packed with Vitamin C to get the maximum benefit. The vitamin transforms iron into a state which is more easily absorbed by the intestines.

5. Collagen: Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, which literally keeps us ‘intact’. Patients suffering from Scurvy, lose teeth, the strength in their bones, etc.

6. Brain Health: Surprisingly, Vitamin C also helps in making neurotransmitters that carry commands, thoughts and feelings through the nervous system.

7. Anti-depression: Though intake of Vitamin C is not directly linked to upliftment of your mood, it plays an integral role in targeting serotonin, and is essential for your wellbeing.

Dietary Requirement of Vitamin C

The recommended requirement for Vitamin C in adults is 40mg per day. Excessive intake (more than 1000mg) is also known to have harmful effects and could cause stomach pain and diarrhoea.


Best Sources of Vitamin C

1) Citrus Fruits: The most common source of Vitamin C is citrus fruits. It is said that one lime per day may be enough for one to get their required dose.


2) Bell Peppers: Whether you are baking an Italian casserole or tossing vegetables in an Asian stir-fry, make sure to add bell peppers for your Vitamin C kick.


3) Broccoli: This wonder vegetable is a storehouse of benefits. Packed with Vitamin C, include it in your salads.


4) Papaya: Just half a cup of papaya can give you enough of the vitamin for the entire day. It’s many other benefits are additional motivation to have the fruit.


5) Strawberries: A bowl of strawberries and cream may be sinful but it is also packed with Vitamin C.


6) Tomatoes: Eaten raw, tomatoes have plenty of the vitamin. Eat them plain or toss them in a salad, add them into sandwiches or burgers, tomatoes are the most versatile fruit to eat.


Heat causes reduction of Vitamin C in foods and thus try to consume these foods in raw form without cooking them.

5 Health Benefits of Pomegranate & How to Cook with it

It's not just its ruby red colour or the crystal-like seeds that makes pomegranate special. It's also the tarty and sweet taste that you experience all at once. Also referred to as the 'fruit of paradise', pomegranate is known for its flavour as well as its notorious nature of leaving traces of red all over your clothes and across your chin if one is not attentive.
It is known to have originated in Iran and considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility in many cultures. In fact, it has been speculated that pomegranates and not apples grew in the Garden of Eden. Small, crunchy and juicy: they pack more health benefits than many other fruits and you'll be surprised at the kind of ailments they ward off.

The Benefits of Pomegranate

1. Anti-Oxidants - You may have heard these words over and over again so let us put this to rest once and for all. You need anti-oxidants! Your lifestyle, pollutants and a number of other factors encourage the circulation of harmful molecules in your body that are known as free radicals. Anti-oxidants are their kryptonite and they destroy these free radicals. Anti-oxidants are made up of vitamins and minerals and can be best obtained from a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables.

2. Anti-Cancer - According a study done at the University of Maryland Medical Centre, pomegranate has the ability to inhibit the growth of certain kinds of cancer cells. A Mayo Clinic study also explores the possibility of pomegranate juice as a potential cure for prostate cancer.

3. Heart Health - The anti-oxidants in pomegranate make it possible for the fruit to be able to help treat cardiovascular diseases. In fact, a 2015 study published in The Royal Society of Chemistry suggested that drinking pomegranate juice regularly could help prevent a heart attack.

4. Good for the Skin - Pomegranates pack almost 48 per cent of your daily Vitamin C needs, which also helps against signs of ageing in the long run. It's extremely hydrating and its juice goes deep into your skin to deliver micronutrients and phytochemicals. It also helps bring dull and dry skin back to life.

5. Diabetes -  There are a number of studies that will corroborate the fact that pomegranate juice is great for diabetic patients. It contains anti-diabetes compounds like ellagic, gallic, oleanolic, punicalagin, uallic, and ursolic acids. A study published in the journal Nutrition Research suggested that pomegranate juice can reduce blood glucose levels in Type 2 diabetes patients.

How to Buy a Pomegranate
Pomegranates are pretty easy to find in India. They are mainly grown in Maharashtra through the year and are even exported to the UAE and the United Kingdom. While shopping for this sweet fruit, find one that's heavy for its size, a perfect sphere and free of blemishes. It should also be hard, with no soft spots. Don't worry too much about the colour as it doesn't impact the taste of the seeds. How to

De-Seed a Pomegranate: Like a Pro
There are a bunch of clever techniques that have been shared by chefs and food enthusiasts across the world. Jeff from the site suggests you first cut the pomegranate in half and then hold it under cold water and pull the seeds apart. Martha Stewart places the stem end of the fruit at the bottom and then cuts the top of the crown making sure the knife doesn't touch any of the seeds. Then she sears through the skin of the fruit, from top to bottom, 3 or 4 times. Wriggle the knife a little and the fruit will break into a few smaller pieces. Release the seeds and drop them into a bowl. The one method I like best is by Evan Young where he scores the fruit from the sides instead of the centre, pulls it apart and then taps on the back of the fruit till all the seeds fall out.

What to Cook with a Pomegranate
Small, crunchy and full of flavour, pomegranates add a fresh fruity note to whatever it's added to. Some of the common ingredients it's teamed up with in savoury dishes are pecan nuts, sweet potatoeslambyoghurtlettucecorntomatoes and what not.

Talking about the sweet stuff, pair it with chocolate, whipped cream, strawberries, green apples etc. Here are five of the most creative, unique and gorgeous recipes that use pomegranate as the hero and create something magical.

1. Pomegranate Bark - If you're in the mood for chocolate and pomegranate then this is one recipe you'll want to bookmark. It's from the site and was shared by Amanda, a food blogger that focuses on vegan food. Grab 2/3 cups of cacao powder, 1/2 cup of maple syrup, 1/3 cup of coconut oil, 1 or 2 pomegranates de-seeded and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Now, add the first three ingredient to a bowl and mix well till you have uniform consistency.

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Pour the mix on a parchment paper laid out on a baking tray. Now drop the pomegranate seeds on the mix evenly. Push down gently. Sprinkle with sea salt and leave the tray in the freezer for 20 minutes. Break the chocolate sheet apart face down do that the juice of the seeds doesn't splash all over your clothes.

2. Pomegranate Jelly - The first thing you need to know about this beautiful jelly is that it's extremely easy. And like jam, it can be stored in the refrigerator for weeks. Also, once you pick up this recipe you'll be able to replicate it with just about any other fruit. This recipe was shared by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin on her blog rx4foodies.

Squeeze out 5 1/4 cups of fresh pomegranate juice, grab 3 tablespoons of powdered pectin, 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 2 cups sugar. (Read the rest of the recipe here)

3. Pomegranate Margarita - It's pink, bold and just the thing you'd want on a Friday night. The sweetness of the pomegranate cuts through the sharp taste of tequila and the crunchy pomegranate seeds make you feel fresher than ever. This Take 2 shots of silver tequila (any tequila really), 2 shots of fresh pomegranate juice, 1/2 shot of triple sec, juice from one lime, ice, pomegranate seeds, sugar for the rim and lime wedge to garnish.

Image Credits:

Moisten the edge of your glass with the lime wedge. Put some sugar on a plate and press the top of the glass on it so that the sugar sticks to the rim. In a shaker, add the tequila, juice, triple sec and lime juice. Shake well, pour into the glass with the sugar around the rim, add some pomegranate seeds and serve.

4. Smoked Quail with a Pomegranate Reduction - Don't let the name of this recipe intimidate you because all it needs is 45 minutes. The smoky flavour of the quail comes together with a sweet and sour pomegranate reduction, crunchy macadamia nuts, firm cherry tomatoes and some fresh oregano- it all sounds just so divine! (Get the recipe here)

5. Pomegranate Truffle - These decadent balls of heaven are spongy, soft and melt as soon as they hit the tip of your tongue. The recipe is from and requires 1 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1.2 cup of unsweetened apple sauce, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1/4 vanilla extract and a pomegranate. In a medium bowl, mix the cocoa powder, maple sauce, honey and vanilla extract. Place the bowl in the fridge for at least two hours or upto a day. Divide the mix into small balls, flatten them out and stuff with pomegranate seeds, roll them back into a ball and chill.

Image Credits: Amy's Healthy Baking

10 Natural Home Remedies for Headaches That Actually Work

In a world of deadlines, late nights, irksome bosses, traffic jams, skimpy sleep schedules and constantly being on the move - we all deal with splitting headaches every now and then. Missing your quintessential cup of coffee in the morning or skipping lunch because of a meeting gets your head pounding, right? So when you’re really having a bad day and it culminates to a severe migraine, what then?

The easy way out is of course to pop a painkiller, maybe even indulge in acupressure, sip on some chamomile tea. And we're willing to do just about anything to get rid of that pounding headache. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of 10 natural home remedies that will zap the pain from your debilitating headache. It’s true, your search for the best headache cure ends here.


Managing Your Headaches

“Headaches are characterised by a feeling of tenseness in the neck, shoulder and scalp whereas migraines are basically pulsating headaches, often on one side of the head. Symptoms actually vary from person to person, and even from one migraine attack to the next," says Dr. Supriya Bali, Internal Medicine, Max Hospitals.

It is essential that you avoid headache-inducing substances like MSG (monosodium glutamate), excessive caffeine, alcohol, phenylethylamine found in chocolate and cheese, tyramine found in nuts and fermented meats and soy, and aspartame present in many artificially sweetened foods. If you start getting a headache, steer clear of all devices including your phone, laptop and TV. Eat healthy, and at regular intervals since a drop in blood sugar can set the stage for headaches. At least thrice a week, if not more, spend 30 minutes exercising. And always, we mean always, stay hydrated.

1Ginger, The All-Rounder

Touted as an elixir for headaches, ginger is a home remedy for instant relief. It helps reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, hence easing the pain. And since it stimulates digestion, it also helps quell the nausea which occurs during migraines.

Wondering how to use this miracle ingredient? Steep ginger root for tea, or mix equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice and drink up. You can consume this once or twice a day. You can also apply a paste of ginger powder and 2 tablespoons water on your forehead for a few minutes to provide quicker relief.


2. Soothe with Scent

Peppermint Oil: With its refreshing scent, peppermint helps open up clogged blood vessels which cause headache. It contains menthol which helps regulate blood flow in the body. Quietly breathe in the aroma in a cool, dark room. You can also mix 3 drops of peppermint oil in one tablespoon of almond oil, or just add a little water and massage the temples or the back of your neck with it. Alternatively, can apply crushed peppermint leaves on your forehead. Make an herbal tea by adding 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add some honey to sweeten it. Sip the tea slowly.

Lavender Oil: Not only does lavender have a beautiful fragrance - it’s also a great remedy for alleviating headaches. Simply smelling the soothing scent of lavender essential oil helps, so you can just put a few drops on a tissue and inhale it. You can also add 2 drops of lavender oil to two cups of boiling water and inhale the steam. Another option is to mix two or three drops in one tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil and massage your forehead with it. “You can even draw a foot bath of lavender oil and peppermint, since the hot water draws blood to your feet and the aroma relaxes you”, suggests Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Healing Touch Hospital.

Note: Do not take lavender oil orally.


3. Cinnamon Please!

Cinnamon is a miracle spice that can effectively treat headaches. Wondering how to use it? Here’s help: Grind some cinnamon sticks into a powder, and add some water to make a thick paste. Apply it on your forehead and temples and lie down for 30 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.


4. Make Time for Thyme

To relieve headache pain, dab a drop or two of thyme or rosemary essential oil on each temple and on your forehead. Rub gently into the skin, then sit quietly for several minutes to let this home remedy work.

5. Basic Stretches

A few simple exercises to stretch your head and neck can help reduce the intensity of the headache. Move your chin upwards and downwards, left and right, and bend your neck sideways towards each shoulder. You can also try to slowly rotate the neck in clockwise and anticlockwise directions to help the shoulder and neck muscles relax. So when a headache looms, you know what to do.


6. Heat Up or Cool Down?

Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck can give relief from a migraine, since the cold from the ice helps reduce inflammation that contributes to headaches. Plus, it has a numbing effect on the pain. And believe it or not, just soaking your feet in hot water also helps get rid of a headache. For a severe headache, add a bit of hot mustard powder to the water. “You can also place a washcloth dipped in ice-cold or hot water over your head for 5 minutes. Repeat the process several times”, recommends Dr. Ahuja.

7. Crazy for Cloves

Cloves can be used to ease a throbbing headache due to its cooling and pain-relieving properties. Crush a few cloves gently and put them in a sachet or a clean handkerchief. Inhale the smell of the crushed cloves whenever you have a headache until you get some relief from the pain. You can also put 2 drops of clove oil in a tablespoon of coconut oil plus sea salt and gently massage your forehead and temples with it.

8. Basil is the Best

A strong-scented herb which is used for natural headache treatment, it has many analgesic benefits. The oil works as a muscle relaxant and helps get rid of headaches caused by tension and tight muscles. You can put 3 or 4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of boiling water and let it simmer. Add a little honey and sip the tea slowly. You can also chew some fresh basil leaves, or inhale the steam after boiling basil in a pot of water.


9. Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Both apples and apple cider vinegar can be used to fight off a headache. They help restore the acid-alkaline balance in the body. “Mix half cup of apple cider vinegar with half cup of water and boil the mixture in a covered saucepan. Remove from heat, hold a towel over your head and slowly inhale the  steam. This will provide instant relief from sinus headaches”, says Dr. Supriya Bali, Max Hospitals.

If you wake up with a headache, just eat a piece of apple sprinkled with salt, and drink some warm water after. Or add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water, with honey and a splash of lemon juice. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day.


10. The Power of Prevention

Could striking a camel pose ease your aching head? Yes, yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to boost relaxation. It will get your mind focused, stretch out your muscles, and get you moving in ways that can help you drop the tension. Regularly practicing yoga is the best thing to do, after all prevention is better than cure.

Tip: Make a conscious effort to take deep, full breaths that start in your diaphragm and fill up your lungs. This will get plenty of fresh oxygen circulating through your blood and will also help relax your mind and body.
